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'Knowing by Singing' in American Anthropologist

Dienstag, 13.12.2022

Special section published in the December issue of the American Anthropologist edited by Dr. Caroline Gatt.

The special section called 'Knowing by Singing' has just been published in the December issue of the American Anthropologist was edited by Dr Caroline Gatt, who recently joined the Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, and her co-editor Valeria Lembo. The special Section includes an introduction by Gatt and Lembo, three articles by Carola Lorea, Stephanie Aubinet and Kelly Fagan Robinson, and commentaries by Fiona Magowan and Tim Ingold.


The special section also features the translation in British Sign Language of the article ‘Knowing by DEAF Listening: Epistemologies and ontologies revealed in song-singing’ written by anthropologist Kelly Fagan Robinson and translated by Helen Foulkes, a deaf BSL translator. 

This is the first time an article in BSL is published on American Anthropologist. The translation of the abstract was funded by the American Anthropologist and the Leverhulme Trust funded the article's main translation.

You can access the BSL video translation and more info about the piece here: 


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