Internationale Tagung mit Arjun Appadurai (New York)

"Mobilized Futures"-Conference 15.-16.11.2018

"Mobilized Futures"- Conference 15.-16.11.2018

Johanna Rolshoven (Graz), Regina Römhild (Berlin) in Kooperation mit der Universität Graz und dem Kunsthaus Graz

Mobilized Futures. The Role of Imagination and Aspiration in the Transformation of the Present

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International conference organized by the department for Cultural Anthropology, Graz University, in cooperation with the Graz Art Museum, and the dgv-commission Mobilities_Regime ( Johanna Rolshoven, Regina Römhild, Barbara Steiner, Kathrin Bucher-Trantow)

Graz Art Museum, space 0.4, 15.-16.11.2018

Thursday, 15.11.2018

18.30–19.00h Opening

19.15h key note

Arjun Appadurai (New York): Enlightenment Values and The Crises of Europe Today
The lecture will focus on the debates surrounding migration in Europe, and suggest that it is worth taking a long view of these debates, since they raise vital questions about the values forged during the period of Enlightenment. While Europe, during its centuries of imperial expansion, exported its problems to the rest of the world, the world's problems are today being played out in Europe. What is the best way to respond to this reversal?

20.15h A Kitchen of Stories (Dinner)

Recipes that tell of migration, food, imagination, longing, and humanity. With photographer Maryam Mohammadi, text artist Kate Howlett-Jones, cook Evi Papanagiotou, and over 20 women from the SOMM community centre, this collection was first put together in Graz in 2016 - and is now recreated for us. 


Friday, 16.11.2018

Session 1 (9.00–10.10
h) Moderation: Johanna Rolshoven
09.20–09.45h Regina Römhild (Berlin): Moments of Post-Otherness. Imagining past futures
09.45–10.10h Jens Adam (Berlin): Relating European Modernities. How assemblages of urban mobilities co-create contemporary cityness
10.10–10.25h Coffee break

Session 2 (10.25–12.00h) Moderation: Regina Römhild
20.25–10.50h Antonia Alampi (Berlin): Geographies of Imagination
10.50–11.15h Miriam Gutekunst (Munich): Contesting imaginations of love and marriage within the European border regime
11.15–12.00h Comments & Discussion
12.00–13.00h Lunch

Session 3 (13.00–14.30h) Moderation: Claire Bullen
13.00–13.25h Johanna Rolshoven (Graz): Imagination and Culture Building: the “principle of hope” revisited
13.25–13.50h Harald Koberg (Graz): Digital games as virtual places. The migration of gamers between virtual and physical spaces and its effects on structures of power
13.50–14.15h Anja Decker (Munich): Lifestyle mobility and the promise of yet another new beginning for the rural Bohemian borderlands
14.15–15.00h Comments & Discussion
15.00–15.15h Coffee break

Session 4 (15.15–17.00h) Moderation: Ingo Schneider
15.15–15.40h Peter Hörz (Esslingen): Cosmobile Sex Workers. Remarks on the multilocal lifestyle of mobile same-sex oriented male escorts, their ‘queer’ underclass cosmopolitanism, and their imaginations of the destinations travelled
15.40–16.05h Katrin Ecker (Linz): Bad Gastein. Let´s have a Moscow mule in Sissyland
16.05–16.30h Christine Thiel (Munich): „Imaginations” as the driving force of Digital Nomadism?
16.30–17.00h Discussion
17.00–17.15h Coffee break

Session 5 (17.15– 20.00h) Encounters: Civil Society, Arts & Anthropology
17.15–18.00h Barbara Steiner guides through the exhibition: Congo Stars. Art and Diaspora in Kongo
18.00–18.30h Fingerfood & Wine

18.30–20.00h Podium: The Future of Political Imagination.
Moderation: Katrin Bucher Tranton
Martin Baasch
(Graz theatre), Godswill Eyawo (Migrants Advisory Council Graz), Regina Römhild (Humboldt-University Berlin), Barbara Steiner (Art Museum Graz), Johanna Rolshoven (Graz University)

20.00h Dinner

Saturday, 17.11.2018

10-11.30h Meeting for anyone interested in
dgv-Commission Mobilitäten_Regime, Department for Cultural Anthropology & European Ethnology, Attemsgasse 25/EG, 8010 Graz