Univ.-Prof. Dr.habil. Katharina Eisch-Angus Institutsleiterin/Bibliotheksleiterin
+43 316 380 - 2585
Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie
Dienstags 13-15 Uhr. Anmeldung im Sekretariat.
Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr.phil. Judith Laister Stv. Institutsleiterin, Erasmus-Koordinatorin
+43 316 380 - 2586
Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie
nach Voranmeldung: Dienstag, 11.30-12.30
General university staff
Michaela Paier BSc Secretary's office
Vera Walch Secretary's office
Claudia Baumgartner Secretary's office/Budget/Bachelor's and Master's degrees
Currently not occupied. Secretary's office/Research coordination
Birgit Klancnik Department Librarian
Miriam David VU Introduction to research techniques
Natalija Kljajic PS Historical methods
Timna Selzer VU Foundations of ethnographic interviews and observations
Kristina Trummer PS European Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Magnus Riesemann PS European Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (Gruppe Verhovsek)
Marlin Gerken PS Field research
Angelika Müller VU Ethnographic research (Methods in European ethnology)
Project-related personnel
§ 28 FWF Zukunftskolleg - Young Independent Researchers Group: "(Musical) Improvisation and Ethics"
Dr. Caroline Gatt
Winter semester 2024/2025
Dr phil. Daniela Brasil
Priv.-Doz. Dr Gilles Reckinger
Dr phil. Laila Huber
Dr.phil. Elisabeth Kosnik
Dr Peter Hörz
Dr phil. Valerie Taus
Jörg Vogeltanz, Mag. art.
Summer semester 2025
Dr phil. Lydia Arantes
Dipl. Museol. (FH) Christine Braunersreuther
Begonya Enguix Grau, BA. BA. PhD
Dr Caroline Gatt
Dr Peter Hörz
Dr Birgit Johler
DDr. phil. Mag. phil. Lisa Kienzl, MA
Dr phil. Elisabeth Kosnik
Dr phil. Elisabeth Luggauer, MA. BA.
Mateja Marsel, MA. BA.
Dr phil. Sarah Nimführ, MA. Dipl. Päd.
Mag. phil. Dr phil. Dipl. Ing. Manfred Omahna
Priv.-Doz. Dr Gilles Reckinger