All publications listed below are in German language
Book series: Graz Contributions to European Ethnology
Vol. 27: Hans Peter Weingand:
Sexuality and the public sphere in the early 19th century. Research problems, collection strategies, intermediality using the example of songs and pictures from Austria.
Jonas Publishing House, 2022
Vol. 26: Katharina Steiner:
Made Bodies. A cultural analysis of the incorporation of prosthetic legs and arms.
Jonas Publishing House, 2020
Vol. 25: Mateja Marsel:
Jonas Publishing House, 2019
Vol. 24: Susanne Schicho:
Dog People. Multispecies Family Lives and their Biographical Consequences.
Jonas Publishing House, 2019

Vol. 23: Michael Archan:
The good and the faithful Gitano: Traditional Roma culture and Pentecostal religion in conflict.
Jonas Publishing House, 2018
Vol. 22: Elisabeth Luggauer:
"On a leash!" Dogs in urban discourses of order.
Jonas Publishing House, 2017
Vol. 21: Katharina Lierzer:
Santa María de Guadalupe: voids - matters of faith - intermediate worlds.
Jonas Publishing House, 2017
Further volumes of the book series
Vol. 20: Tanja Fuchs: Art in times of the creative economy. Between the myth of genius and entrepreneurship, Jonas Verlag, 2015
Vol. 19: Silvia Weißengruber: Work and Critique. Attempts at alternative life practices in neoliberalism , Jonas Verlag, 2015
Vol. 18: Manfred Omahna/Johanna Rolshoven:Ver-Arbeiten. Essays and sketches on social upheavals in urban and rural areas. Jonas publishing house, 2014
Vol. 17: Barbara Frischling: Everyday life in the digital panopticon. Facebook practices between design and control. Jonas Verlag, 2014
Vol. 16: Maria Koch: Women experience the city. Gender constructions in public space . Jonas Verlag, 2013
Vol. 15: Dieter Kramer: European Ethnology and Cultural Studies, Jonas Verlag, 2013
Vol. 14: Jürgen Barkhoff/Helmut Eberhart: Networking Across Borders and Frontiers. Demarcation and Connectedness in European Culture and Society Peter Lang Publishing House, 2009
Vol. 13: Manfred Omahna: Apartments and Spaces of One's Own. On the plurality of housing using the example of single-person households. Peter Lang Verlag, 2005
Vol. 12: Judith Laister: Urban Disturbance Zones. Reading contemporary art in public space . Peter Lang Verlag, 2005
Vol. 11: Leopoldine Hokr: Groß Siegharts - Schwechart - Waidhofen/Thaya. The network of the early Lower Austrian cotton industry. Peter Lang Verlag, 2007
Vol. 10: Michaela Steinböck: Blickfang Heimat. The development of the concept of home based on Austrian tourist posters of the 20th century. Peter Lang Verlag, 2002
Vol. 09: Gabriele Ponisch: "Thank you! Thank you! Merci!" The pilgrimage books of the pilgrimage church in Maria Trost near Graz , Peter Lang Verlag, 2009
Vol. 08: Helmut Eberhart/Johann Verhovsek: Xenophobia as a social problem , Peter Lang Verlag, 1999
Vol. 07: Wolfgang Wehap: Walking culture. Mobility and progress since industrialization from a pedestrian perspective , Peter Lang Verlag, 1997
Vol. 06: Walburga Haas: On healthy living in the countryside. A theoretical and empirical work on health and illness in the present. Peter Lang Verlag, 1996
Vol. 05: Roberta Schaller-Steidl: Growing older. Subjective ageing and its social and cultural interconnections. Peter Lang Verlag, 1995
Vol. 04: Editha Hörandner: Millet - Hirse - Millet. Actes du Congrès d'Aizenay, 18-19 août 1990- Veröffentlichungen des Symposions in Aizenay, 18-19. August 1990- Publications of the Symposion at Aizenay, August 18-19, 1990. Peter Lang Verlag, 1990
Vol. 03: Benedikt Schneider: Land und Leute. Descriptions and Statistics of Inner Austria at the Time of Archduke Johann , Peter Lang Verlag, 1994
Vol. 02: Angelika Dollinger-Woidich: Convenience food in Austria. Nutrition and society in transition (out of print) Akad. und Verl-Anst., 1989
Vol. 01: Anni Gamerith: Speise und Trank im südoststeirischen Bauernland (out of print) Akad. Dr.- und Verlag-Anst., 1988
Further publications from the Department
Jonathan Coenen, Katharina Eisch-Angus, Johannes Maier, Laura Riedl, Erika Thümmel
MEHL GRIES BETON - die Rösselmühle im Gespräch. Texts on the exhibition
Graz: Department for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, 2024.
Burkhard Pöttler (ed.)
Technology in everyday life. Living technology, technical life - twelve cultural anthropological perspectives between discomfort and self-evidence
Graz/Berlin, 2022
Katharina Eisch-Angus (ed.)
Absurd Fear Narratives of the Security Society
Springer VS-Verlag, 2019
Alexandra Schwell, Katharina Eisch-Angus (eds.)
Everyday life of (in)security. Ethnographic and cultural studies perspectives on the security society.
Panama Publishing House, 2018
Burkhard Pöttler, Lisa Erlenbusch (eds.)
Publishing house Bibliothek der Provinz, 2018
Burkhard Pöttler, Katharina Eisch-Angus, Johann Verhovsek (eds.)
Findings of European ethnological research. A Festschrift for Helmut Eberhart
Waxmann publishing house, 2018
Johanna Rolshoven, Toni Janosch Krause, Justin Winkler (eds.)
Heroes. Representations of the heroic in history, literature and everyday life
[transcript] publishing house, 2018
As part of the Master's study project "Die Straße. An urban space in motion" , a special edition of the Graz wall newspaper "ausreißer" was created in the summer semester of 2018. The wall newspaper was presented by students at the international conference"Democracy and peace on the street"in June 2018.
Project leaders: Johanna Rolshoven and Judith Laister
ausreißer - special issue #82, 2018
Jochen Bonz, Marion Hamm, Almut Sülzle (eds.)
Ethnography and interpretation. Group supervision as a method of reflexive research
Springer VS-Verlag, 2017
Johanna Rolshoven/Ingo Schneider (eds.)
Dimensions of the Political. Claims and challenges of empirical cultural studies
Neofelis publishing house, 2017
Justin Winkler (ed.)
>Walking In Town< A reader on the poetics and rhetorics of urban walking
Jonas Verlag, 2017
Katharina Eisch-Angus (ed.)
Unhomely homely. Cultural studies considerations on folklore museum staging
Löcker publishing house, 2016